I had a great opportunity and honored to have exclusive interview with Jason Tan via electronic mail who had his military training at Lim Chu Kang Rural Centre.
Below are some of the questions that was being interviewed with Jason Tan. x-represent xfotojournal and j- represent Jason Tan.
PS: If you know any of your friends or you used to stay at Lim Chu Kang Rural Centre, please contact me as I would like to share your living experiences with everyone.
x: When did you last visited Lim Chu Kang Rural Centre?
j: The last time I visited there was last October (2011), during my ICT (In Camp Training).
x: How do you traveled by there?
j: Traveled by the army 5 tonner of course :p
x: What was your rank at that time?
j: Corporal (NS)
x: What are you doing there at that time?
j: We went there for an exercise called urban ops. In the past, it was called FIBUA (Fighting in built up area) and now the module has been revised to allow us to better tackle the treats of fighting in urbanized area during wartime.
x: Was the training tough and why?
j: Not only was it tough, it was also mentally draining as we had to attack and search the buildings for enemies or hostages and we had to cover for our team mates and we had to react fast whether to attack or to rescue. It felt like a real life "Counter-Strike" game.
x: How long was the training last?
j: It lasted one whole day.
x: I understand that Lim Chu Kang Rural Centre used to have Market over at Block 2, do you still managed to buy any food after your training? Or where did you buy your food from? How much was the food cost? Do you find it expensive?
j: It used to be a market but now it is just an abandoned shelter. The area was being used by us for our admin area.
x: I heard that their chicken cutlet was famous from one of the store, is it true? Do you ate it before, if true?
j: I've not heard of it before....
x: Do you have any weird encountered experienced that you wanted to share with us?
j: no weird encounters but it was pretty warm and non-windy when I was there.
x: Do you required to stay at Lim Chu Kang Rural Centre after the training?
j: no, we left in the evening.
x: Do you seriously like Lim Chu Kang Rual Centre if you have the chance to live here?
j: ha ha, I think its a pretty inaccessible place for anyone to like staying there.
x: Do you have anything to add on?
j: nothing to add on, thank you.
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